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Tefilla - Prayer



The Nature of Prayer


Psukei D'Zimra End


Emes V"Yatziv - Amida

Shacharis I - Introductory Prayers


Birchas HaShachar



Birchas HaShachar - Psukei D'Zimra



Psukei D'Zimra - Ashrei



Lecho Dodi

Introduction to Shema


Shema Yisroel


Amida II

Amida III

Shema Yisroel II


Ahava Raba


Amida IV


Shacharis iV Barchu until end

Shabbos Maariv

Prayers Before Torah




Kabbalas Shabbos

Shabbos Shacharis

ShacharisII Psalm91 - beg. of Nishmas

Shacharis III - Nishmas - Yishtabach

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